Rochester man arrested for stealing 8 handguns from Fairhaven home

david normanFairhaven Police Detectives arrested a 22 year old man last Monday, September 15th in relation to a breaking and entering into a Howland Street home. David Norman of Pauline’s Way, Rochester was taken into custody for the September 12th break.

Norman is accused of breaking into a Howland Street house and stealing numerous firearms and ammunition. Fairhaven Detectives determined Norman broke into the house, and then a gun safe. He is accused of stealing 8 assorted handguns and ammunition. It is unsure what he did with the firearms after he stole them. However Norman was no longer in possession of them at the time of his arrest.

So far, police have managed to recover one of the guns, but the rest of the firearms are still missing. The handguns stolen by Norman include a Smith and Wesson 9 millimeter, a Luger 9 millimeter, a 45 semiautomatic, a black powder 44 caliber and three revolvers. Norman was arrested September 15th and charged with 8 counts of larceny of a firearm, 2 counts of vandalism, breaking and entering in the nighttime to commit a felony, larceny from a building and unlawful possession of a firearm. He was arraigned the following day in Third District Court and was held pending a dangerousness hearing.