Sheriff Hodgson makes formal offer to President-elect Trump to have inmates build immigration wall in debut of Project N.I.C.E.


Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson made an official offer to President-elect Donald Trump to have inmates from Bristol County and beyond build the immigration wall through the debut of Project N.I.C.E.

Sheriff Hodgson made the offer in his remarks Wednesday night at Bristol Community College during his fourth inauguration as High Sheriff of Bristol County.

“I can think of no other project that would have such a positive impact on our inmates and our country than building this wall,” Sheriff Hodgson said Wednesday night. “Aside from learning and perfecting construction skills, the symbolism of these inmates building a wall to prevent crime in communities around the country, and to preserve jobs and work opportunities for them and other Americans upon release, can be very powerful.”

The offer was made as the debut of Project N.I.C.E., which stands for National Inmates’ Community Endeavors. Project N.I.C.E. takes the successful inmate work program that has inmates from the Dartmouth jail doing community service around the area and expands it nationally with the cooperation of Sheriff’s Offices across the country, who would also send inmate workers.

From building an immigration wall to rebuilding communities after a hurricane, flood or tornadoes, Project N.I.C.E. has the potential to be a major boon for our country and save taxpayers a lot on labor and disaster relief.

“Think of how much good could come of 500 or 1,000 extra hands in rebuilding a community after a disaster, and the inmates would learn valuable construction skills and on-the-job training as part of their rehabilitation,” Sheriff Hodgson said Wednesday night.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker delivered the official Oath of Office to Sheriff Hodgson Wednesday as he started his fourth six-year term as Bristol County Sheriff. Sheriff Hodgson was overwhelmingly re-elected in November.

Also in his remarks, Sheriff Hodgson stressed the importance of cooperating with all federal, state and local law enforcement in entering into the 287(g) immigration enforcement program with ICE. He also said he hopes to bring back the controversial $5 daily inmate fee at the jail, and focus more on youth education programs over the next six years.

“After about 20 years as Sheriff and more as a police officer and investigator, I’ve come to the conclusion that the way to solve the revolving door of the criminal justice system is to reach children before they ever walk through the front door of a prison. Reaching these kids before they make a bad decision is of the upmost importance to a safer community,” Sheriff Hodgson said Wednesday night.

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