The American Oligarchy; 44 years of Bush’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s


I’ve always been surprised that out of 319 million Americans we keep having the same names running for President. The illusion of choice and that “anyone can be President” is taught to Americans at an early age. But is that true?

A Bush, Clinton or Obama has ruled America for the past 28 years and my prediction is that the same families will rule America for at least the next 16 years effectively making America more of an oligarchy – where the government is controlled by a small group of people – than a Democracy.

Let’s look at the American presidents for the past 28 years:

  • George H. W. Bush: 1989 – 1993 (4 years)
  • Bill Clinton: 1993 – 2001 (8 years)
  • George W. Bush: 2001 – 2009 (8 years)
  • Barrack Obama: 2009 – 2017 (8 years)

Three families have been elected President of the United States in 28 years. Now let’s look at how these families will likely rule America for at least the next 16 years.

Hillary Clinton will win the White House and become President on January 20th, 2017. Love her or hate her, she has too much going for her and Trump can’t get away from high negative ratings.

Michelle Obama – keen on Hillary’s path to the White House – will run for Senate in 2018. Hillary went from First Lady, to U.S. Senator and into the White House showing Michelle the game plan for success.

Born in Chicago, Michelle Obama will run for the U.S. Senate seat in Illinois. Currently there is a Republican and a Democrat representing Illinois in the U.S. senate. The next Senate race in Illinois features Republican Mark Kirk this year – too early for the first lady and 2022 would be too far away.

Democrat Dick Durbin will be up for re-election in 2020. Michelle Obama could run against him in the primaries (unlikely) or Durbin could vacate the seat for the promise of a feature position in a Michelle Obama cabinet (more likely). Michelle would easily win the Senate seat just like Hillary easily won the U.S. Senate seat in New York.

In 2020 you will also see candidate Michelle Obama as a prominent speaker at the Democrat National Convention during Hillary Clinton’s re-election. Anyone remember then candidate for Illinois Senate Barrack Obama being the 2004 DNC keynote speaker that propelled him to the nomination in 2008? Michelle will be a candidate and keynote speaker at the 2020 Democratic National Convention and run for President in 2024 being the first African American candidate and then President. She will reach win re-election solidifying a Bush, Clinton or Obama occupying the White House for 44 years:

  • George H. W. Bush: 1989 – 1993 (4 years)
  • Bill Clinton: 1993 – 2001 (8 years)
  • George W. Bush: 2001 – 2009 (8 years)
  • Barrack Obama: 2009 – 2017 (8 years)
  • Hillary Clinton: 2017 – 2025 (8 years)
  • Michelle Obama: 2025 – 2033 (8 years)

Consider that George H. W. Bush was Ronald Reagan’s Vice President from 1981 -1989, once could make an argument that these three families will have controlled the most powerful country in the world for more than a half a century.

You will likely see Jeb Bush try for the White House again and down the road Chelsea Clinton attempt a political run. Yep, another Bush and Clinton. Dare I say, you will see a Kennedy represent Massachusetts in the Senate or governor of Massachusetts with an eventual eye for the White House? Google Joseph P. Kennedy III.

America is closer to an oligarchy than a Democracy. We may vote for our President, but in a general election our options are and will be limited to three families out of 319 million people.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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