South Coast Discounts Coupon Manager


South Coast DiscountsIn today’s terrible economy we can all use discounts to our favorite restaurants, bars, hotels, fitness centers and other local businesses. New Bedford Guide ( is proud to announce our newest South Coast Discount Coupon Manager ( that allows users to browse coupons by category, print out the ones they want, set up a subscription to get e-mailed new coupons as they are uploaded, and much more. While the Coupon Manager is intuitive, here is a walk through of the system so users can take full advantage of all the features.

South Coast Discounts Coupon Manager Walk-through

First, you will want to register ( with New Bedford Guide so you can manage coupons and get e-mail notifications of new coupons in the categories you subscribe to. Non-registered users can still browse and print coupons.

At the top left of the coupon manager there is a Help section and a Search box.

To the right of the search/help section is the user management area.

Here registered users can filter their browsing by city and manage their subscriptions. When you find a coupon you like you can print it or click the ‘Add’ button (just under the coupon) to add the coupon to your queue. After adding coupons to your queue, click on the ‘My Coupons’ button to print all the coupons that have been added. Click on ‘My Subscriptions‘ to subscribe to specific categories. Once subscribed, you will get an e-mail any time a coupon is uploaded to your subscribed category.

If you are a business that would like to add a coupon, e-mail All online coupons are FREE (does not include graphic design work) until August 1, 2011, but they must meet specific requirements.

Browsing Coupons
All coupons are placed into a specific category with the Featured Coupons at the very top. Our viewer displays three coupons at a time. Click the left and right arrows to browse more coupons.

Each coupon has four options:

  • F Share to share coupons on Facebook
  • Add coupons to your queue for printing later
  • Remove to delete coupons from your printing queue
  • eMail to send coupons to friends

That’s the New Bedford Guide Discounts Coupon Manager in a nutshell. We hope to evolve the system based on user feedback and add thousands of coupons. Help spread the word by sending the the coupon manager link ( to friends and family and any businesses that you know that will take advantage of our system. All online coupons are FREE to host for businesses. Contact to get your coupon listed!

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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