George H. Taber Masonic Lodge Community Blood Drive


Roll up your sleeves and join us in giving the gift of life! On Monday, March 28, a community blood drive will be held from noon-5 P.M. at the Unitarian Memorial Church, which is located at 102 Green Street in Fairhaven.  The church is wheelchair accessible.

This blood drive is a cooperative effort between the American Red Cross, the George H. Taber Masonic Lodge, and the Unitarian Memorial Church in Fairhaven.  The goal is to collect blood for those in need of transfusions. Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood, and each pint that is donated could save up to three lives. In return for donating a pint of blood, donors will receive a coupon for a free lunch from Cumberland Farms.

The American Red Cross has been a primary supplier of lifesaving blood products in the United States for more than 50 years.  They donate approximately 3,000 units of blood each day just to meet the basic needs of area patients. Individuals who are at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. The state of Massachusetts allows those who are 16 years of age to donate blood with parental consent. Please bring your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when you come to donate. If you would like to schedule an appointment to donate, please call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit

George H. Taber Masonic Lodge (which is located in Fairhaven) is part of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, which is the largest donor of blood to the American Red Cross within the state of Massachusetts. Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity, and there are presently over five million members worldwide in over 150 countries. Freemasonry accepts men of all faiths (a belief in a supreme being is required) and backgrounds, and promotes self-improvement through leadership, friendship, and service to others.

Freemasonry often focuses on charitable endeavors aimed towards improving the community and humanity in general. You can find out more about George H. Taber Lodge on their Facebook and Twitter pages.  You can also contact Matthew R. Brodeur, who is the Awareness Officer at the George H. Taber Masonic Lodge.  His phone number is (774) 263-5018, and his email address is:

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