50+ People Needed to Play Zombies in New Bedford


Sai-Con Productions is looking for extras to play zombies in their Zombie film Plaga Zombie American Invasion. The film is being shot in New Bedford and the plot is centered around our city. They are looking for people 20 and over. If you are interested e-mail Cheryl at Cheryl.lapan@yahoo.com.

Details on the film:

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. hello my name is Veronica Souza , im 25 and I live in Newbedford I am very pleased that there is an oppitunty like this , this has always been a dream of mine to be able to participate in something like this. ive always been highly addicted to horror films since before I was able to walk I could sit here and type for days and tell you how bad I want an oppurtuntiy like this! I really hope to hear back from you!

    • I love horror films and would love to be a part of this please email me.. Thanks

    • I am interested in the film Plaga Zombie. I am a huge fan of all zombie movies and would love to participate in this huge project film. I live in New Bedford.

  2. I LOVE LOVE all horror films please contact me I would LOVE to be in this movie

  3. thanks sounds like fun

  4. thanks

  5. Intrested

  6. I play a zombie in hanover ma. Where n when do u need zombies and is this a paying gig?? Thanx. Autumn.Dove

  7. I would love to be zombie for you. Looks like it would be a lot of fun. When do you start filming?

  8. I would like to inquire for work.

  9. I watch zombie movies all the time and a huge Walking Dead fan

  10. Four or five members of the NB City Council qualify.

  11. My fiancé, my daughter, and I would love to do this!!!

  12. Would love to be apart of thisss!!

  13. First requirement of the job is you have to be smart enough to figure out that you use the email address to ask to participate. No one is hiring you from the comments section.

  14. I would be very interested in being a zombie. Thank you

  15. I’m from newbedford, and I’m so down for this

  16. I love too play a zombie I’m 45 and I live right here in New Bedford.

  17. I am 25 and from new bedford and I would live to be a zombie its my favorite!!

  18. I would love to participate and donate to this film. I have always been enthused by sci-fi and have always incorporated elements of this genre into my artwork, being a art student

  19. I would love to be part of the movie.. I love zombie movies.. thank you

  20. I’m down

  21. I would love a chance to do something fun like this! Also my 6 year old son does a great zombie.

  22. Hello my name is Roberto. Im a hairdresser and make up artist i may be of help for your film. I also would love to be a part of it. I love horror films and i would enjoy being part of yours. I have also lived in the harshest city in brazil and i believe i would be great candidate for the part of being a zombie or any other part you may need me as. I would love to hear from you. Thank you

    • My wife and I would love to be zombies from New Bedford. Could we get a chance to be whaling zombies? Or motorcycle zombies?

  23. Want and need a part In your film

  24. I would really live to be a zombie i. This movie ! Something to tell my grandchildren when tbey get older. Thankyou

  25. I learn fast and am a good solid worker so i would be perfect. i also love horror movies, plz contact me if possible thanks

  26. I would love to do this It would be an amazing oppertunity

  27. i am 34yrs old and was born and raised here in NB. I love horror movies but mainly zombies. I would love to be a part of this.

  28. I walk like a zombie daily lol I’m six feet tall and have a few extra pounds. I have no problem eating brains or scaring the crap out of someone I’m chasing down. As a big girl i will fight for bloody living flesh for food. Let me at em!

  29. samantha conlon

    it would be really cool to be a zombie so yeah

  30. Would love to do it !

  31. If you still need any help, this 55 yr old horror lover, would love to

  32. I would love to play a part of a zombie thats rite up my ally lol if u need extras plz contact me plzzzz.ty

  33. Bobbie L. Miller

    I’m a 36 y.o black & Dominican male. And I’d love to participate in the film.

  34. Would like to have a chance in playing a role as a zombie. I’m a gamer and just recently graduated from high school. Please give me a try. Thank you.

  35. This would be a perfect opportunity for me to show my son that zombies look scary but underneath it is all makeup and someone fortunate enough to be able to play a part.

  36. Does anyone know the status of this movie?

  37. My parents are over a haunted attraction we’ve done for years I am in it every year and love acting and playing different parts! Would love to be a part of this.

  38. OMG, zombies in New Bedford??? Dream come true!!! I love horror and zombies and gore (oh my!)

    PICK ME PLZ!!!!!!!

  39. you are all losers

  40. I would like an opportunity to be in the film. Sounds great.

  41. This is such an awesome opportunity! I would love to be a part of this. For the experience and the fun! I’m available and am so very interested. This Would be so much fun and exciting. What a chance to meet with different people and make new friends. Omg! I’m so excited! Please! Pick me! Pick me! I’d make a great zombie! Probably wouldn’t even need make up! Lol. Just kidding! I have a great sense of humor and a team player attitude. This is so awesome. I’m speechless! And i haven’t even been picked! Excited for those that do!!!!!

  42. OMG I play a zombie, I am a Zombie and I drink a Zombie or two on the weekend . I would like to be part of this great opportunity I could think of a better place to have Zombies than downtown it fits so well

  43. Yes me and my granddaughter would love to be zombies we live In New Bedford

  44. About time!

  45. I’m 20 and I’d love to be apart of your movie so bad

  46. Not proud of it but I am a 50year old 89pnds,but very active and strong woman who is hunch back,not proud of either,but I am what I am trying to get ahead.

  47. I would really play a good zombie.

  48. Horror films oohs What i like, this is a one in a million chance of a lifetime.
    I am very interested, willing and able.

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