New Bedford man’s simple act creates cycle of kindness, restores faith in humanity


“So the other night I’m in the middle of dropping off an Instacart order. An elder man pulled up and asked if I knew where St Luke’s Hospital was located.

Being that we were a bit far [from the hospital] I didn’t just want to say “make a left here and go straight,” so instead I told him I’ll use my GPS and you can follow me. I didn’t have any active orders so I figured why not?

I got in my car and had him follow me. When we arrived at St Luke’s I pulled to the side and told him ‘This is it.’ I wasn’t expecting anything in return, I just did it because I felt like helping him out.

He then says, “Can I tip you?”

I said ‘Sure.’ because I know you can’t really say ‘No’ to these old timers! I put the bill in my pocket without looking; it was quite dark anyways. We said thanks to each other, Happy Holidays and I drove off.

When I get home I check the bill as I’m putting it in my wallet. I’m expecting it to be a $5 or at most $10 bill, however, it was this $50 bill. I felt bad for a second, but at the same time I understood.

I’m sharing this story to publicly thank this gentlemen. I’m almost certain he doesn’t have a Facebook, but hopefully he shared the story with a family member of his that does and recognized it here.

Thank you, sir. May god multiply it tenfold. ??”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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