Craig Ptaszenski photo.

OPINION: “Calling for resignation of New Bedford City Council President Morad”


The following is an opinion sent to New Bedford Guide. It does not reflect the opinion of New Bedford Guide, nor is it an OP-ED. In fairness and objectivity, we share opinions from our readers whether we agree or disagree with their opinion.

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“I am calling for the Resignation of City Council President Linda Morad. The reason I am calling for her resignation is her actions as of late are unhinged, unprofessional, threatening and she is a threat to the city’s democracy.

As a councilor her job is to work for the people. Last night at the Special Tax Meeting Linda Morad ordered Dennis Farias to close and lock the council doors while more than 6 councilors were in the chambers, possibly breaking laws for which I am seeking all avenues and advice on. She then came out and mocked us in the hallway, which I have on video.

Outside of the building she stuck her toungue out at us like a 2-year old toddler, which I also have on video.

Also captured on video is her calling constituents ‘assholes.’ Also allegedly she in possession of a video where she lost control of the chambers during the 11/14 appointments and briefings meeting (FOIA Pending).At this same meeting she reportedly called a colleague of her’s an asshole.

In my opinion Linda has become unhinged, unprofessional, is an immediate threat to our city”s democracy and she needs to be removed from the chambers immediately.

At any professional job, you would be fired for your actions, as not only are they childish, they are unprofessional, threatening and don’t represent this beautiful city I call home. As a citizens of New Bedford I call for your resignation. Feel free to reach me with any questions at 508-250-2614. Thank you.”-Craig Ptaszenski.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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One comment

  1. I’ve known that for years. Glad someone else has caught her in action.

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