OPINION: Concerned mom: “New Bedford Schools have cement for playgrounds, no security!”


The following is an opinion sent to New Bedford Guide. It does not reflect the opinion of New Bedford Guide, nor is it an OP-ED. In fairness and objectivity, we share opinions from our readers whether we agree or disagree with their opinion.


“Hello. A concerned mother of special education children that has been in the education system for 5 years now and with 2 years of preschool, my children when in recess are playing outside on a PATCH OF CEMENT. This is at deferent schools, too!

I would like to address the early elementary education of the New Bedford public schools because their preschool program has some schools where the playground for the kids is just a patch of cement, and there is no outside security at all.

The children that have wheelchairs? or any other disability that need a padded play area are not given the opportunity to have an area for it.

I need help. Where do I go? Who do I talk to? We need to do better as a community and do better for these kids…”

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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  1. I am not a fan of “anonymous” letters to the editor. Occasionally anonymity may be warranted where sexual abuse may have occurred or where retaliation is a possibility but, increasingly, these published complaints seem to be orchestrated by a group, not an individual.

    • You must not be familiar with social media. People with different opinions from the article can be very nasty and cruel. In the past, we’ve shared opinions, statements, and stories – even missing dog or cat – only to have that person attacked on social media. Even worse the people get messages to their inbox with not only more nastiness, but even threats.

      Our social media platforms are incredibly busy and it’s not uncommon to reach 50,000 people with a single post. So, you can imagine how many messages people will get. When people request to remain anonymous, we honor that request.

      The earth is not flat, the moon landing was not hoaxed, and there’s no orchestrated group behind opinion pieces. You can always put on a tinfoil hat to protect yourself.

  2. David,. You obviously live in a bubble. Children in schools today get harassed, bullied and abused on a daily basis. If parents identify themselves, the child becomes more of a target. If not by the kids, the staff. Yes there are protectors but they will then be harassed themselves. As for a complaint on neighbors, the same, they become targeted. You can,t even put a political sign out on your property, you get harassed or property gets damaged. Do us all a favor, tell us where you live and what planet. The safety in this world is changed for the worse. ANONYMOUS

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