Arctic winds to sweep across greater New Bedford, South Coast, bring pipe bursting low temperatures


Get ready to break out those winter jackets and gloves as arctic-like conditions head to the SouthCoast tomorrow. A powerful cold front will sweep through the region bringing with it the coldest temperatures we’ve experienced this winter.

As the front impacts the region on Tuesday temperatures will drop into the lower teens and with the wind chill factored in it will feel like -3 degrees F. That means if you are heading outdoors, bundle up with layers and be sure to have winter gloves, perhaps a scarf and stocking hat.

In addition, one should take precautions to prevent burst pipes, one of the most common causes of property damage. Keep the water faucets dripping, leave cabinet doors open, and if possible redirect warm air towards the areas of your home where you know there are pipes behind the walls.

On Wednesday the frigid arctic air will begin to leave the region and warm up and hover around freezing in the low 30s.

National Weather Service photo.

Accuweather photo.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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