Fairhaven’s Community-Building and Visioning Forum


Fairhaven’s Beyond the Bicentennial campaign, a joint collaboration between the Fairhaven Bicentennial Committee and Fairhaven Sustainability Committee, is hosting an upcoming Community-Building and Visioning Forum, on Sunday, November 4, from 1:00PM – 4:00PM, at Town Hall.

The “Beyond the Bicentennial” campaign’s Community-Building and Visioning Forum concerns all residents, businesses, and organizations in Fairhaven, MA. It will be a professionally facilitated action-planning session and opportunity for community members and local businesses to have their voices heard regarding their idealized vision for Fairhaven’s future.  It represents true community participation meant to officially determine what the people of Fairhaven want and believe their town needs, and how to attain and/or preserve these necessities. From all these inquiries, idea sharing, and acknowledgment of the issues, action groups and strategies will be formed to continue effective courses of action.

“Beyond the Bicentennial” is intended to unite residents and businesses to create a healthy, prosperous, and culturally rich town where everyone feels linked in.  All fall the committees involved have been spreading word of the Town Forum through this season’s Fairhaven Farmers’ Market, as well as DIY marketing via green lawn flamingos.

Questions the campaign has been asking:

  • What are the strengths and assets of Fairhaven?
  • What are the possibilities?
  • What are the main issues to be contended?
  • What are the solutions?
  • How do you see Fairhaven evolving in 20 years?

Beyond the Bicentennial’s goal is to have over 200 people attend the Community-Building Forum.  People wishing to attend should RSVP at our official event page,http://www.eventbrite.com/org/2792696988.  This isn’t required, but we’d like to attain a strong headcount for providing refreshments.

To learn more, we encourage people to follow the Beyond the Bicentennial campaign at http://www.greenfairhaven.com and at the Fairhaven Beyond the Bicentennial Facebook Page.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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