Massachusetts State Police photo.

Massachusetts State Police rescue injured owl from traffic


Massachusetts State Police Trooper Steve Salsman, who is assigned to the State Police Employee Assistance Unit, doesn’t discriminate between species when providing vital assistance.

Trooper Salsman was commuting to work this morning when he saw an injured Barred Owl in the middle of Washington Street in Boxford. Trooper Salsman positioned himself to protect the injured owl and contacted Boxford Police Animal Control, who responded and removed the owl from the road.

The owl (who appears to be a male) was brought to Dave Taylor, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Byfield, to receive care and begin recovering from his injuries. Strong work by Trooper Salsman and all involved in showing compassion and taking action for an animal.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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