St. Luke’s Hospital hasn’t had a COVID-19 patient since August 11


As of Saturday, August 15, St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford has not had a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patient since August 11. On August 11, the Massachusetts Department of Health reported three “Hospitalized Total COVID patients – suspected and confirmed” at St. Luke’s with none of them in the ICU.

Three has been the highest suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient count at St. Luke’s Hospital for the month of August. The hospital has reported between zero and three suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases for the entire month of August but hasn’t reported a case in five days.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 dashboard, the vast majority of hospital admissions for COVID-19 are suspected. For example, 148 people were admitted to the hospital for COVID-19, but out of those 126 were suspected and only 22 were confirmed.

22,969 people were tested resulting in 366 new positive COVID-19 results in Massachusetts on August 15. Additionally, 14 new COVID-19 related deaths were reported. To date, 114,095 people have tested positive with 8,596 COVID-19 related deaths reported in Massachusetts. The current positive test rate in the state remains at a 1.4% low.

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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