Pam Teves Yoga pose

New Year, More Yoga


Pam Teves Yoga
by Pam Teves

With a new year comes new resolutions. Hopefully, one of your resolutions is to do more (or start) yoga! If your not sure where to start here is information on a few different yoga style options that are offered around the South Coast area.

Hatha Yoga – This slow, conscious practice emphasizes breath and a long hold in poses. This yoga style is perfect for beginners. Typically, a Hatha class starts with a longer meditation or relaxation period compared to other yoga practices. It will stretch and lightly twist its way into a full practice.

Vinyasa Yoga – Vinyasa takes the basic Hatha practice and incorporates movement to breath. This style is still a great introduction for beginners who want to break a sweat and feel great after practice. A Vinyasa class will incorporate Sun Salutations and breathing techniques, along with other pose-series that the teacher will create.

Pam Teves Yoga posePower Yoga – This is like the Vinyasa practice, but sometimes includes a bit more muscular endurance. A power yoga class usually will have flow posture series, and then incorporate other muscle conditioning moves (crunches or extra chattarungas). Along with focusing on your breath, a power class is perfect for those who want to have fun, break a sweat, and feel they deserve the savasana (a relaxing posture intended to rejuvenate body, mind and spirit) at the end. Power classes are for all levels of yoga students.

Finding the right class for you is the best way to keep up your yoga practice. I encourage everyone to take classes in all styles and with as many teachers as possible. Finding what makes you happy, and feeling accomplished, will keep you on track and into those advanced poses before you know it. Check out the list of yoga studios and classes in the South Coast area.

For some basic yoga terms, be sure to check my last article Nama-whatta and read my other articles here.

Have any yoga questions? Please feel free to email be at or check out my website

About Michael Silvia

Served 20 years in the United States Air Force. Owner of New Bedford Guide.

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