5 officers, 1 civilian receive Carnegie Hero Awards during Massachusetts ceremony

“The Carnegie Hero Awards took place in Worcester’s Mechanics Hall.

The Carnegie Medal is given to those who risk death or serious physical injury to an extraordinary degree while saving or attempting to save the lives of others. Since its inception, in 1904, the medal has been given to over 10,000 heros and today 6 more individuals were added to that list.

Those individuals are Worcester Police Officer Emmanuel Familia (Posthumously), Worcester Police Officer Steven Bennett, Worcester Police Officer Angela Consiglio, Worcester Police Officer Scott Morin, Massachusetts State Trooper Amy Waterman, and Allen Corson resident of Connecticut.

These officers were honored for their response on the afternoon of June 4, 2021 to rescue three teens drowning in a pond in Worcester. Two of the teens were saved; a third drowned, as did Officer Familia during his rescue attempt.

Mr. Corson on a separate occasion put is life on the line attempting to save a woman who was being stabbed in a restaurant. Unfortunately, the woman succumbed to her injuries and Mr. Corson was treated for his wounds.” -Massachusetts State Police.

Massachusetts State Police photo.

Massachusetts State Police photo.

Massachusetts State Police photo.

Massachusetts State Police photo.