2024 Piping Plover nesting season a success: birth of two chicks on New Bedford’s East Beach

“The New Bedford Conservation Commission is pleased to announce that the 2024 Piping Plover Nesting Season was successful in fledging two chicks on East Beach!

These two chicks are only the second and third chicks to be born in New Bedford in modern times. This success is due to the diligent work of City staff and our partners, as well as the exceptional cooperation and consideration of the general public and beachgoers for giving the protected nesting area and breeding plover pair the space needed to raise their young. These birds will soon begin migrating back south after summering on our coastline.

Thanks again to everyone for being conscientious of the natural world we share around us! If you have any questions, comments, photos, or stories related to the plovers (or any other nature experiences), contact Environmental Stewardship at (508) 991-6188.”-City of New Bedford.