1850s Ladies share their recipes during AHA!

AHA! Night September 11, 6:00-8:00pm

As a port, New Bedford became a home to many different cultures, all of which left their mark on local cuisine. Come taste a sampling of recipes from the friends and neighbors of Ruth and Abby, New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park’s 1850s ladies, on AHA! (Art, History, Architecture) night, September 11, from 6:00-8:00 PM. A receipt (recipe) book has been compiled for you to take with you. This month’s theme is Taste of New Bedford’s Cultures. The event takes place at New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park’s visitor center, 33 William Street, downtown New Bedford. As always, the event is open to all, and admission is free. For more information about AHA! night, go to http://www.ahanewbedford.org/